Withdrawal of Equity Forms

Please fill one of the forms found below to apply for the withdrawal of equity from Prairie Co-op.
The Withdrawal of Equity — Member form is to be used when there is any change to the membership: estates, moving out of trading area, or name change. All membership changes need to have board approval.
The Withdrawal of Equity — Corporate form is to be used when a corporation is no longer in existence.
The forms below are fillable PDFs. Click on the appropriate form and save to your computer.
Go to the file where you saved it and open it from there to be able to use the digital signature function, NOT the browser that you used to get to the website, like Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc. The browser version is only a preview, and does not have the digital signature function. You will need Adobe Acrobat to open the PDF.
When complete, email your form to admin@prairiecoop.com. Or, print off the form and return it to the Administration office. You can:
- Drop it off at our Administration office in Melville, which is located at 751-7th Ave. W.
- Fax it to 306.728.2875
- Mail to Prairie Co-op, Box 1330, Melville, SK S0A 2P0
For more information on withdrawal of equity, please call the Administration Office at 306-728-5497 between 9am — 12pm and 12:30 — 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Closed for lunch between 12pm and 12:30pm. Closed weekends and stat holidays.